Thursday, November 18, 2010

Theology Over Turkey

I received the following as a prayer request/letter from the founder of Crescent Project. It's part of their "newsletter/prayer update". I thought I'd share it since, I'm currently writing about connecting Muslims to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  Theology Over Turkey
Dear Partner in Prayer,

As Thanksgiving draws near, I'm reminded of a story I was recently told. Last year, a small group pastor felt led to lead a Bridges DVD study. One couple walked in, claiming the reason they had joined was because "a couple of rag-heads moved in next door."

From the first session, God softened their hearts and they repented for their attitude of hatred towards Muslims. As they continued the class, they felt conviction to meet their new neighbors and start a relationship with them. Their friendship with the Iranian couple has grown to the point where they shared Thanksgiving dinner with the couple, and the Muslim father has begun to read the New Testament.

It is a joy for us at Crescent Project to see God use Bridges to rally and equip the church to show love to Muslims. The holidays are a busy time for us all, and it can be easy to lose focus on being intentional with our outreach. But I believe that sharing the holidays with our Muslim friends is a simple, but practical way to show the love of Christ.

Let me encourage you to invite your friends to partake in the holidays with you. Invite them to share Thanksgiving dinner with you and your family. Share with them how grateful you are to God for sharing with us the ultimate gift of salvation through Jesus.

Who knows what kind of spiritual conversations can be had over turkey? God will open the doors for you to share your faith with your Muslim friends, you just have to be ready to be bold in giving a reason for the Hope that you have.
Reaching Muslims for Christ,

Fouad Masri

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