Monday, March 7, 2011

May 21st 2011 - End of the World - Harold Camping

On Feb. 18th, I went to Los Angeles to see a Henry Rollins, Spoken Word show.  Walking after the show, I saw a giant billboard that declared that the end was coming on May 21st, 2011.  It looked very similar to the one below:

A week or so after seeing the billboard sign, I heard it talked about on a Christian radio program.  They said that the leader behind this group is Harold Camping, and they definitely placed his group as a cult.  From what they said on the air and from what I'm reading on-line, this is not the first time Camping has made an end of the world claim.  He was wrong then, and he'll likely be wrong this time too!  In addition to these far-fetched end of the world claims, which he somehow deducts from Scripture, he also teaches that the Holy Spirit has left the church and he encourages people to leave their churches because of this.  His group, I guess, according to Camping, has the Holy Spirit.

If you'd like to learn more about Harold Camping and his group and his end of the world claims check out the following websites:

In conclusion, May 21st, 2011, is supposed to be the rapture according to Camping.  Then on October 21st, 2011, it's supposed to be the end of the world.  If none of these comes true, which it won't, let's check to see the response of Harold Camping and his followers.  Will they admit they were wrong, or will they just pick another date a decade or so away?


  1. Wow, I have heard of so many different cults/ dates of rapture but this one seems so far fetched!

  2. Nicole,

    Have you seen any of the billboards for this? I've only seen the one in downtown LA. They must have a good-bit of funding as cult to be advertising like they are.


  3. I can't believe no one is seeing the potential for profit here! Here is a bunch of people who think the world is gonna end on May 11, 2011. I say set up a tent outside their church and start offering pennies on the dollar for their homes, cars and general valuables!

    Best of all there is legal precident for upholding the contracts. In the early 20th centery a religious group (later the Seven Day Adventists) thought the world was gonna end and preached that all of their members should "put their homes in order" which included paying off all of their debts. So they sold thier homes and farms for pennies! When the world didn't end, they immediately wanted their stuff back but the Courts upheld the sales contracts saying that although their motivations were far-fetched, they were prefectly sane when they entered the contracts!

  4. This is what they talked about on the radio program I heard this mentioned. If these people truly believe the world is going to end at this time, then find these people and ask them for exactly what you just mentioned!

  5. I've seen those billboards in Ohio also. I've heard Of Camping and his cult before, I didnt think they were getting this big, or is it just him wanting attention.

  6. the world aint going to end for a very long time!!!!!!!

  7. We just cant throw away the Revelations! The Lord asks to follow his word and nothing else. A real phophet would only be sent to us to save millions of lives not a handfull. God works through small things not people with lots of money

  8. this is not the first source ive heard this prediction.the dates may not come to pass, but if your in denial that this is the end of the world as we know it, then God have mercy on your soul.

  9. peter n DemetriusMay 11, 2011 at 2:33 PM

    only God knows the end, when the end comes, we will be with loved onces. peter n Demetrius

  10. We have these billboards is South Africa too! Absolutely preposterous to make any sort of predictions when it comes to the Holy Trinity!

  11. Wow! South Africa too? Where do they get all their funding? What's being said about this in South Africa?

  12. Maybe if we all start reading the bible more instead of the billboards we would get a better grip on the end of the world. NOBODY knows the exact day or time it will end; however, the bible informs us about the signs of time. Step by step we see the Good Book being fulfilled.

  13. Thanks for the comfort i believe in God 100% but I haven't been baptized this prediction is a eye opener for me to really get my life together... Cause who really knows when the world Will end could be today or tomorrow or many years from now. I just want to follow the right religion .....

  14. Check out the article in "Christian Today," an Aussie publication, on Rev. Dr. Youssef and his public challenge to Camping. Funny stuff. I couldn't write better comedy. :-)

  15. Even in South Africa I've seen billboards like this in major cities like Johannesburg, Pretoria and Cape Town.

  16. i have a billboard in my yard like this and a man in a suit paid my dad five hundred dollars to put it there. then he asked if we would all go with him to the secret valley on the 21st in the woods in a hole covered with leaves. my dad said no we would just stay home but then the man got mad and told us we were gonna be sorry because the secret savior hole in the woods would see us anyway and so were the worms.
