Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Who are the producers? Does it make a difference?

My wife and I recently saw a play at a dinner/theater, which is produced by a Christian church.  Previously we had seen The Sound of Music, Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat, and Dancing in the Rain.  The first two of course had obvious Christian themes, especially the one about Joseph the Dreamer.  The play we just watched however, Anything Goes, had virtually no story, racy costumes, and sex joke, after sex joke.  Because we knew it was produced by a Christian church, this seemed shocking.  Who you are and what you believe does lead one to expect certain attributes in your life and work, and when those attributes are not present; something is wrong.

This teaching can be found in the Bible.  James 3:9-12 reads, "With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? My brothers, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water."

This of course is a good mirror for myself, because I do not always live up to my calling, and certainly none of us do.  This brings me to praise God all the more for the mercy that he bestows upon all creation and for the grace he has made available through Jesus.

Now, think about the latest movies and television shows.  What messages do they contain?  What is their content?  And when we look at the producers, actors, actresses, writers, and directors, should we be surprised?  And what is the effect of these programs on society and us?

With this in mind, did you know that the producers of Sex and the City and Desperate Housewives were gay men?  Charles Colson writes that "It's altogether likely that the show's misgivings about marriage and family life reflect the creators' own concerns."  And he cites Lee Siegal as writing that Sex and the City is "an ingenious affirmation of a certain type of gay-male sexuality," which is notoriously promiscuous.  Siegel called the popular show, "the biggest hoax perpetrated on straight single women in the history of entertainment."  What we are seeing on screen as women having anonymous, random sex is actually a justification of the gay male producers view of sexuality.  Let's then ask how has this show has influenced heterosexual females?

Knowing the producers of Hollywood and knowing their beliefs, does it come as any surprise that the "entertainment" produced in America shows a poor light on marriage and presents monogamy as virtually impossible, and in fact something that is not desirable? 

What are your thoughts on these issues?

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